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100 Cameras

“Every kid – no matter their background or circumstances – deserves the right to have access to tools that support them in processing their experiences in a way that creates space for emotional freedom in their future." — 100 Cameras

2 mins

person holding a camera taking a picture.

Link to hear article read aloud.


The Resource Key Featured Brand this week is 100 Cameras.


100 Cameras “works with youth around the world who have had challenging experiences, and they teach them to process and tell their stories through photography in a way that impacts how they view themselves and their role in their community.”

Why did The Resource Key want to feature 100 Cameras? 

100 Cameras is committed to including alternative text (alt text) and image descriptions throughout their social media for images. This is important because it improves accessibility. 100 Cameras is allowing space for children to express their voices through photography.

Social Impact?

 100 Cameras is providing photography tools to equip children to process and tell their own stories through visual storytelling.

Where to Follow and Stay Updated?

 Facebook | Twitter | Vimeo | Instagram | Website

How to Support? 

Purchase a Photo |  Volunteer | Financial Gift


“Every kid – no matter their background or circumstances – deserves the right to have access to tools that support them in processing their experiences in a way that creates space for emotional freedom in their future.

— 100 Cameras

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